We’re breaking down the bracket in the Colorado Pols Political Tournament, and after starting with the left-hand side of the bracket, we’re moving to the right-hand side. Click below to take a look and cast a vote.
Here’s how to fill out your bracket: Consider the Political Tournament a race towards a big final political office. But in the meantime, in each matchup, consider the two candidates in a hypothetical statewide political race.
For example, if Mark Udall and Scott Renfroe were running against each other for a statewide office, who would win? You choose the winner of that race and move them on to the next round.
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I think you’ve picked the favorites in virtually all of those match-ups. I’d like to see both the Al White-Joan Fitz-Gerald race, and the Bob Schaffer-Morgan Carroll one. Those would be tough calls statewide. (Though I’d probably pick White and Carroll, not with confidence.)
so Pols can do something like this:
Where are our invisible backers when you really need them?
for “statewide” the only upset I’m predicting throughout the entire process is McInnis over Penry in the 2nd round, other than that I have the top seed winning every round.
That is until Salazar face Perlmutter in the final four at least.